It goes without saying that we’re advocates of wool; we devote our lives to spreading the word that it is an incredible fibre that delivers genuine health and sleep benefits.
You’ll often find us shouting out about how wool bedding can deliver up to 25% more stage four regenerative sleep, or how it’s a great solution for those who suffer from allergies and night sweats. We also love wool because it’s incredibly fire resistant, which is more than can be said for goose down, duck feather or synthetic alternatives.
But not everyone shares this view. There are plenty of people who think they know the truth about wool and see it as an uncomfortable fibre to wear, expensive to buy and too hot for the summer months. But that’s where they’re wrong. So we’ve taken it upon ourselves to debunk the myths and make sure you know the real truth about wool.
The truth about wool: 7 myths debunked
Wool myth number 1: Is wool itchy?
Possibly the most common misconception of wool – is wool itchy? It would be unfair to completely dismiss this myth without acknowledging that some coarser wools can in fact irritate delicate skin, because sheep that live in certain environments can produce coarser fibres. But in most cases, you’ll probably find that the issue is lanolin, which is an oil that is found within wool. It can leave you with a nasty rash after wearing mass-produced wool clothing. But with wool bedding, it’s a different story.
It’s always best to choose the right wool for the right purpose, and the coarser wools are in fact more resilient and ideal for bedding and mattresses – which is why our products are encased in a 100% natural cotton outer as a protective barrier. But any lanolin is washed out during the manufacturing process, meaning that you can sleep soundly with all the benefits of wool, without feeling itchy.
Wool myth number 2: Does wool attract dust mites?
There’s a lot of misleading information out there about these little critters! But they don’t ‘eat wool’ and they don’t ‘eat dust’ either. The truth is, they eat the bacteria and fungus that grows in the soft furnishings around our homes – yuk!
Synthetic and feather/down-filled furnishings create a great environment for bacteria and fungus to grow in because they hold moisture so well. But because of its temperature-regulating qualities, wool is too dry and therefore uninhabitable for dust mites and allergens – which is just one of many benefits of wool.
Wool myth number 3: Is wool flammable?
It’s not entirely clear where this wool myth came from, but some people believe that wool is flammable. But that’s just not the case. The truth about wool is that it’s actually often used in situations where fire safety is paramount. In fact, the fabrics used in aircraft, cars and even in fire and military uniforms are all made of wool. Meaning that our wool bedding bundles are naturally flame retardant and safe to sleep in.
Wool myth number 4: Is wool warm?
It’s true that wool is fantastic for keeping you warm in winter, but did you know that it will also keep you cool in summer? One of the best benefits of wool is that it has evolved over thousands of years to keep sheep healthy and comfortable, no matter how much wool they have on their backs. In fact, its microscopic structure can keep you cool by wicking moisture away from your skin – so that no matter the weather, with wool bedding you can sleep comfortably.
Wool myth number 5: Is wool expensive?
The truth about wool is, that on the face of it, it’s pretty expensive when compared to synthetic alternatives – but what’s not considered is the long-term value of this natural material. For example, a wool duvet can last you in excess of 20 years if looked after correctly; whereas a synthetic alternative is likely to last just three years. Add into the mix the extensive list of benefits of wool and it’s easy to see why it is a better, long-term solution.
Wool myth number 6: Am I allergic to wool?
Genuine wool allergies are extremely rare, with approximately one person out of 100,000 suffering from them. So why do so many people think they’re allergic to wool? It’s simply a case of poor-quality fibres feeling prickly or itchy on your skin. In fact, it’s the lanolin that most people are allergic to – which is washed out of our wool before being made into bedding.
Wool myth number 7: Does wool smell?
This wool myth likely stems from the fluffy animals that you see in the farm, rather than the natural fibre that we use in our bedding. The truth is that sheep do smell a little, which is understandable. However, your wool products (such as throws, blankets, bedding, clothing and yarn) are all specially washed to remove lanolin and any organic matter – which eliminates the risk of bad odours. But if your wool product does smell slightly, it’s worth airing it for a day or two.
And that’s the truth about wool! Now you know that every item in our
wool bedding collection comes with a whole host of benefits, including temperature regulation, anti-allergy properties and all-natural qualities. Still worried about these wool myths? Our
wool bedding bundles come with a 30-Day Sleep Trial – meaning that if you’re not fully satisfied you’re feeling all the benefits of wool, you can return it for a full refund. Order your wool bedding online today and experience your most natural night’s sleep yet – or your money back.