We are delighted to launch a truly machine washable wool bedding collection that meets the strictest of organic certifications and criteria set out by GOTS. This collection is a world's first and now provides the customer with the practicalities of washing whilst still having the choice of the most natural products available on the market.
Organic wool is a holistic system of farming that produces high quality materials using methods that benefit people, planet and animals too. There are a strict set of requirements that need to be met before the term "organic" can be used. Certification bodies will ensure that all steps to organic farming are met before providing an accreditation.
Organic wool comes from sheep that are reared, fed, sheltered and transported under strict organic standards, which prioritise their welfare and wellbeing. Cruel practices are prohibited and animal stress is minimised. Organic farmers take a preventative approach to disease, so animals are not routinely treated with antibiotics, wormers or pesticides. If any farmer were to break these stipulations then their organic license would be removed and the wool could not be sold as organic.
To be classed as organic they must adhere to the following:
- Reared on organic feed and grazed on organic pastures for two years
- Free to pursue their natural behaviour with plenty of space outside and a truly free range life.
- Treatment of the sheep is strictly prohibited unless absolutely necessary.
- Minimal processing of the fibre
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is recognised as the world's leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres. It defines high-level environmental criteria along the entire organic textiles supply chain and requires compliance with social criteria as well.
GOTS are required to audit our complete supply chain from start to finish to ensure that we meet all the criteria to be organically certified. Woolroom successfully passed these standards and as a result our Organic Washable collection of bedding can hold the GOTS logo for organic certification. When looking to buy organic products, always look out for this logo as well as the certification number. You can check this on the GOTS database for reassurance that what you are buying is genuinely organic. There are a lot of false claims out there which is why we provide you with our license number on each product that is certified.
Naturally hypoallergenic - Organic wool is softer - you can literally feel the difference. A waxy material called lanolin which protects wool fibres in nature can cause skin irritation in some, but it is largely removed in the scouring process of wool preparation.
Regulates body temperature and improves sleep quality - Wool bedding helps greatly by efficiently absorbing this moisture from your skin and then allowing it to evaporate rapidly due to the unique transportation properties of its fibres.
Ensures better animal welfare - GOTS certified wool (audited by the Soil Association) ensures that the sheep are treated with care for their wellbeing throughout their life and that sheep shearing is conducted in a painless manner. Organic sheep are only fed organic feed and graze on organic land, where they are free to roam with ample outdoor space, leading a completely free-range life.
Using organic wool is better for the environment - GOTS certification ensures strict environmental criteria are met both in the farming (e.g. no chemical pesticide use) and processing stages (no toxic chemicals in water run-off). Finally, at the end of its life an organic wool duvet or pillow can be recycled or it can be composted where it will decompose and return to nature causing no environmental contamination.
To make wool machine washable it requires a treatment. Without this treatment, a wool product simply won't withstand the rigorous process of a washing machine.
To counter the "difficult to care for" conceptions of wool we now offer two bedding collections that are genuinely machine washable allowing the wool fibres to come out of this process undamaged. Our Deluxe collection has been washable for years after undergoing a chlorine treatment to the fiber, but now there is a certified organic method...
The wool is bathed in a big tank filled with pure water and natural minerals. Oxygen is then blown through the tank mixing the solution together allowing the fibers to absorb this solution. As a result, the fibers become bendy and springy which makes them more malleable when agitated. Once washed, due to the new properties of the wool this prevents shrinkage and felting when machine washed. This process meets the strict criteria of GOTS to ensure the fibre still holds organic certification after processing.
Woolroom are the only provider in the world of a truly machine washable organic wool bedding collection that meets the strictest of standards set by the world's leading organic certifiers - GOTS.
Organic Wool and Cotton
Our organic washable collection only uses the finest quality wool and cotton. We are experts in wool, and hand-select the most appropriate wool for its use. Staple length (the length of the fibre) and micron (the thickness of the fibre) are critical when making the perfect bedding. Our bedding requires a shorter staple length but needs a thicker (but not too coarse) micron to ensure good bulk and insulation. This level of detail ensures you receive the very best products that will perform night after night.
Truly Machine Washable
Creating a truly machine washable collection of wool bedding isn't easy. It took Woolroom more than 12 years to develop the perfect process, we went to the nth degree so you can confidently wash your wool bedding time and time again without fear of felting or shrinking. We are so confident in the product that we do not need to use any synthetic layers (which diminish the ability to regulate temperature) to hold the wool in place.
The development of the world’s first organically certified wool bedding collection provides you with the most natural products that you can still machine wash with the comforting knowledge that GOTS have approved this process and product. There is now no compromise needed for you to have organic wool bedding that is machine washable.
Traceability – Wool ID Program
We have developed our own traceability programme tracking its wool from the finest UK farms through to the finished product, as well as every stage of the manufacturing process. This ensures that there is no blending or mixing in of poorer fibre types or qualities ensuring that every product uses the perfect wool type to ensure the perfect product arrives in your home.
All Wool ID farms are farm assured and independently audited to ensure the highest standards of care and animal husbandry.
Find out more about the 5 Freedoms which all Wool ID farms adhere to.

GOTS Certification
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is recognised as the world's leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres. It defines high-level environmental criteria along the entire organic textiles supply chain and requires compliance with social criteria as well.
Organic wool comes from sheep that are reared, fed, sheltered and transported to strict organic standards, which prioritise their welfare and wellbeing. Cruel practices are prohibited and animal stress is minimised. Organic farmers take a preventative approach to disease, so animals are not routinely treated with antibiotics, wormers or pesticides.
Our Organic Washable collection can be verified by the license number DK30548 (Soil Association)